IETN organisational structure is comprised of the following bodies to ensure a clear and balanced distribution of decision power and responsibilities as well as quality assurance: 1) Steering Committee (SC); 2) Project Management Team (PMT); and 3) External Evaluation and Quality Assurance Auditor (EAQAA).
Steering Committee
Steering Committee (SC) with five members is the governing body providing strategic leadership, accountability, oversight and assurance for training and financial performance, and compliance with ethical standards. It is composed of Local Project Leaders and will meet four times during the duration of the project. Among SC’s main responsibilities: Conclude the Consortium Agreement; Provide strategic direction and approve project policy; Ensure that project policies and procedures respect the requirements of the Grant regulations; Monitor the management of the project to ensure that project management conforms to set benchmarks and standards; Receive full and regular reports on all aspects of the project implementation from the Project Coordinator (PC) who will be responsible to the SC for the overall implementation of the project; Monitor progress indicators and outputs, and suggest corrective measures when needed; Approve action plans and allocation of budgets and financial reports and ensure value for money; Approve the communication and dissemination strategy; establish, if required, an ad hoc sub–committee to review and report on all cases of misconduct or any other ethical issues. View the Steering Committee
Project Management Team
Project Management Team consists of Project Coordinator, Project Administrative Manager, Financial Controller, and WP Leaders. PMT is responsible for the quality of the training programs, for the day-to-day operation and implementation of the project, including administrative and financial reporting internally and externally. View the Project Management Team.
External quality assurance
The external evaluation and quality assurance will be provided by an external quality auditor, John Reilly, with the following key roles (but not limited to): evaluate and contribute to the enhancement of development and implementation of the intellectual outputs and conduct summative evaluation of the project comparing actual overall impact of the project and initially stipulated project objectives. This external quality auditor will monitor progress during the project, as appropriate attend activities, produce monitoring reports and provide inputs to key deliverables. John Reilly will attend Steering Committee meetings as observer. View John E. Reilly short bio
Representatives from partners’ Doctoral Schools will take part in the activities of the External Evaluation and Quality Assurance Council, providing formal and institutional support to the IETN training programmes.
IETN will comply with European and national legislation and fundamental ethical principles, including those reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights and its Supplementary Protocols.
At Aalborg University (AAU), the initiative CLAAUDIA provides AAU researchers with access to particularly advanced hardware and software in research-supported IT, data science and data management. Currently, this includes e.g., establishing a compute cloud and the opportunity to archive research data, which can help ensure reproducibility and facilitate compliance with the GDPR legislation. Knowledge on data science, which primarily comprises competence development (such as courses, website and workshops) and concrete interaction between research groups and CLAAUDIA experts who can support researchers’ needs in data-driven research, is offered via CLAAUDIA.
IETN partners will employ the FAIR principles to guide their data management from planning, to collection, processing, analysis, storage to curation, publishing, and dissemination.