guest lecturers

Ann Starbæk Bager

Ann Starbæk Bager, PhD, Associate professor, at SDU’s department of Design and Communication and the lead of a research-based OrgCom project. Ann's research and teaching concerns organizational and leadership communication regarding matters such as sustainability, engagement, storytelling, storymaking, (counter)narrative, power, engagement and ethics. I'm part of defining the fields of participatory organizational discourse, (counter)narrative and storymaking studies...learn more

David Boje

Proffessor David Boje of New Mexico State University in the US is a world-renowned scholar of narrative and storytelling in organizations. His intellectual contribution to the field is unique and his scholarly production continues to be innovative and of the highest academic quality. David is known for having founded the research field in antenarratives. David’s research relates to ethics, sustainability, power, materiality, small businesses and entrepreneurship. David’s current work is on Pondy’s question: What is enthinkment?  Who is calling us to think and tell? One such who, is Gaia, and what is our answer? ...learn more

Anete Mikkala Camille Strand

Anete Mikkala Camille Strand, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Communication and Psychology of Aalborg University. Since 2012 Anete has been running the Material Story Lab at Aalborg University in Denmark where she serves as associate professor within ‘Interpersonal Communication, Organization and Materiality’. David Boje is the Godfather of the Lab in his manner of endorsing the lab’s main activity...learn more

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Michael K. Simonsen